Our Eating Habites

Our Eating Habits

What we are currently eating. Whatever you don't eat is causing harm.  Adulterated in vegetables, adulterated in eggs, adulterated in meat. What do we eat then? And where to eat.

Nowadays we have two options, 1 fruit, 2 junk food. Fruits are very important for our body. But human needs are shifting day by day. The main reason for the reduction of human life is junk food. As a result, people are leaning towards death day by day. Now, all that people eat is junk food and everything is toxic. We have almost forgotten to eat fruits since our eating habits changed. We leaned over burgers, chips, and oily things.

We are on the verge of destruction today because of our eating habits. So we should change our eating habits. Eat more fruits and drink more water.
People are less concerned about his health now. Now all kinds of food are more or less adulterated. Such as formalin in fruit.
We are constantly being attacked by food poisoning in this world. Many are dying because of it. But even after that, people's eating habits are the same.
So we have to change our eating habits. And you have to take more and more nutritious food.
So let's be aware of our health. And let's change our eating habits.

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